Ausubel의 유의미 학습이론
본 자료는 5페이지 의 미리보기를 제공합니다. 이미지를 클릭하여 주세요.
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해당 자료는 5페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
5페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. Ausubel의 유의적 학습 이론
2. 언어(영어) 학습 단계에서의 학습 이론 적용
(1) 학습의 시작행동(entry behavior) 단계
(2) 학습의 목표(object) 설정 단계
(3) 학습 방법(method of training) 설정 단계
(4) 학습 평가 절차(evaluation procedure) 단계

1. 인지적 원리(Cognitive Principles) 영역
2. 정의적 원리(Affective Principles) 영역
3. 언어적 원리(Linguistic Principles) 영역


experiences as a background information, let's skim the whole text for a gist. I'll give you 5 minutes.
Is everyone finished?
적극적으로 참여한다.
아이들의 대답에 대해 feedback 제공.
Then, let's look at the new vocabularies. Look at the flash cards and repeat after me.
Here are the words and here are the pictures. Let's match these pictures with the words. Who wants to do it?
단어 따라한다.
단어와 그림 맞추기.
Flash cards 보여주며, new words 읽어준다.
(15 minutes)
Now, we'll read through the text together to find out specfic information which is shown on the screen here. (OHP 스크린에 세부 정보를 찾는 문제 제시) While you read, focus on expressions for comparison and contrast. For example, "in contrast", "on the other hand", and "similarly". (함께 읽으며 세부 정보 찾기)
Why do you think there are so many expressions for comparison and contrast? Right, it's because this text is to show the different speaking styles between men and women.
OK, do you have any questions?
From now on, we'll review the grammars, which are relative pronoun and present perfect. Do you remember what these are called in Korean? Right, they are 관계대명사 and 현재 완료 시제. Since we've covered these grammars, today, we'll just find out the sentences which used these grammatical structures and fill in the answer sheets I gave you out.
Good, everybody did a great job!
Then, let's look at the black board. What do you see? Right, there are balloons which you should fill in each blanks with proper adjective.
세부 정보 찾고 발표하기.
질문에 대답하기.
관계 대명사와 현재 완료 용법 연습 문제 풀고 질문하기
semantic mapping 에 알맞은 형용사 채우기.
(형용사 복습)
OHP 자료 제시하기.
질문에 답변.
Quiz 함께 풀고 feedback 제공.
These are the adjectives to describe the different speaking styles between men and women. We've covered these vocabularies already. Now, who wanna go first? (이하 semantic map 완성하기)
(10 min)
Now, let's make 7 groups with 5 members of each and discuss what you've learned so far. The example discussion questions are shown on the screen here. (OHP screen에 토론 질문 표시) Try to use English only and if you have any questions, raise your hand and ask questions, OK?
Since we are out of time, we'll do the role-play next time. You can choose any topic if only that is relevant to today's lesson. And each group can present for about 5 to 7 minutes. Any questions?
Discussion & Role-play 계획하기.
Role-play에 관한 질문.
질문에 대답, role play 진행방식 설명.
(5 min)
OK, it's time to wrap up. Does anybody have any questions for today's lesson? Anything.
We've learned... what?
Right, today we've learned the different speaking style for men and women and also, very important grammatical structures which are relative pronoun and present perfect tense. Right, and also many expressions to show contrast and comparison. Please review what you've learned today and don't forget to prepare for your role-play. I can't wait to see your presentations! I have some special treats for the winner! See you next time!
질문에 대답.
과제에 대한 질문.
과제 부여,


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2008.01.02
  • 저작시기2007.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#436469
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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